Dr. David Beversdorf is a practicing neurologist who specializes in neurology and psychiatry. In his memory disorders clinic, he treats patients with disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Beversdorf aims to understand approaches that will decrease the risk of developing the disease. He performs neuropsychological testing, which is an in-depth assessment of skills and abilities linked to brain function. Dr. Beversdorf also sees children and adult patients at the Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Education & Training
Medical School
Indiana University School of Medicine-Indianapolis
Internal Medicine
- IU Health Methodist Hospital
- Dartmouth Medical School
Psychology, Cognitive & Behavioral
- University of Florida College of Medicine
Commercial Relationships and Collaborations
This faculty member or a member of his or her immediate family has a working relationship, such as providing consulting, research, or educational services, with the companies listed below. These relationships have been reported to the University of Missouri and, if appropriate, plans have been established to address potential conflicts. The following relationships were reported as of July 2020.
- YAMO Pharmaceuticals
- Quadrant Biosciences
- Stalicla
- Impel Neuropharm
- Best Doctors
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In the News
Academic Information
Research Profile
Beversdorf is working to determine possible causes of autism. He led a team of researchers in examining in utero stress, genetic markers, fatty acid profile and other prenatal factors in families of children with autism and families of children without autism. They discovered connections between prenatal stress, genetics, health and nutrition, and the predisposition for autism. Beversdorf is also using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to understand the role of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline in the treatment of autism, as well as effects of stress on the brain.
In addition, Beversdorf is striving to make life easier for those with autism and neurological dysfunctions. He discovered that propranolol, a drug commonly used to treat high blood pressure and anxiety, could improve social functioning, language abilities and working memory in people with autism. He is now leading a team investigating whether elderberry juice, known for its anti-inflammatory effects, could improve cognition and delay progression of dementia in older adults.
Dr. David Beversdorf is a professor and the William and Nancy Thompson Endowed Chair in radiology and neurology in the School of Medicine and psychological sciences in the College of Arts and Science. He is also a researcher at MU’s Brain Imaging Center and the Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. His research has been funded by National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Department of Defense, the Stallone Fund and the National Alliance for Autism Research.
Research Interests
- Autism
- Dementia (Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease)
- Cognitive effects of stress
- The cognitive neuroscience of problem-solving ability
- Functional neuroimaging
- Pharmacological modulation of cognition
- Mild cognitive impairment
Areas of Expertise
- Autism
- Dementia
- Cognitive effects of stress
- The cognitive neuroscience of problem-solving ability
- Pharmacological modulation of cognition
- Neuropsychopharmacology with particular expertise in the noradrenergic system
- Mild cognitive impairment
For the most updated list of Dr. Beversdorf's publications, view his PubMed profile.