Helipad Procedure for Incoming Aircraft


To ensure appropriate utilization of MU Health Care helipads and maintain the availability of landing areas for medical helicopters while coordinating safe operations on the pad.


  1. CenComm- Air Evac Central Communications Center
  2. CS – Communication Specialist
  3. MUHC – MU Health Care
  4. WCH – MU Health Care Women’s and Children’s Hospital
  5. PIC- Pilot-in-Command
  6. ETE- estimated time en route


  1. To ensure appropriate utilization of the MU Health Care (MUHC) and Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH) helipads and maintain availability of landing areas for medical helicopters while coordinating safe operations on the pad.
  2. The MU Health Care and Women’s and Children’s Hospital helipads will be limited to air medical-related transports only.  Utilization will be limited to patient transports, personnel, equipment and blood or organ transfers unless prior authorization is obtained from the Program Coordinator or hospital designee.


  1. Aircraft are prohibited from landing or departing from MUHC/WCH helipads without prior contact with CenComm and pilot-to-pilot on 123.025.
  2. The CenComm CS coordinates movement of air medical aircraft at the MUHC helipad and WCH helipad, relaying known information to air medical aircraft in the Columbia area. 
    1. MUHC helipad has a northern pad (pad 1) and southern pad (pad 2)
    2. CenComm will advise incoming aircraft of which pad is available and assign a pad
  3. Pilots will advise CenComm of ETE inbound, landing assured on helipad, and lift from helipad.
    1. Pilots should contact MUHC Security prior to departing from the MUHC helipad (573-882-7147).
  4. Unauthorized or questionable request for landing should be deferred to MUHC security.
  5. In the event of a military or other oversized aircraft requesting permission to land at the MUHC helipad, the CS will contact the following MUHC Security.
  6. All visiting aircraft pilots will remain with their aircraft and be prepared to relocate immediately.
  7. Multiple Aircraft Inbound
    1. Incoming aircraft must contact CenComm when inbound to MUHC/WCH and provide an ETE.
    2. CenComm will coordinate air traffic in the area of MUHC and WCH by alerting pilots of activity in the area as well as ETEs to hospital helipads.
    3. In the event of multiple aircraft inbound to MUHC or WCH helipads, ETEs will be obtained and CenComm will coordinate landings and departures with area aircraft and assign a pad. AT NO TIME SHOULD PATIENT OFFLOADING BE DELAYED DUE TO IDLE AIRCRAFT OCCUPYING A PAD.
  8. Incoming aircraft may use the helipad at WCH or Columbia Regional Airport as an alternate landing location, at their discretion.   If an alternate pad is utilized and a patient requires ground transport to MUHC or WCH, CenComm will contact MUHC EMS Supervisor to arrange transport (573-303-1429).
  9. Responsibility of inbound aircraft to MUHC/WCH
    1. Pilots will communicate with CenComm on frequency 154.965 
    2. Pilot-to-pilot and/or in the blind on 123.025 on all approaches and landings at MUHC/WCH helipads.
    3. Medical crew will contact MUHC Emergency Room/WCH Emergency Room on State EMS with patient reports for all incoming MUHC/WCH  patients
  10. All outbound pilots will communicate with:
    1. CenComm on frequency 154.965
    2. Pilot-to-pilot and/or in the blind at intervals on 123.025 upon all departures from MUHC/WCH helipads
    3. MUHC Security @ 573-882-7147
  11. Pilots will communicate with other aircraft pilots on radio frequency 123.025 when more than one aircraft is running on the helipad simultaneously and/or when inbound with similar ETEs.
  12. All returning pilots for medical crew pick up after refueling will follow the same above incoming communication.  All inbound aircraft with patient drop-off will be given priority landing before crew pick up.
  13. MUHC security personnel will monitor the helipad during flight operations with the capability of communicating with flight personnel via radio.
  14. MUHC personnel will refrain from patient loading/off-loading when more than one aircraft is operating “hot” on the helipad.
  15. Med Trans and Air Evac aircraft are authorized to refuel at the MUHC fueling station, with prior training only. No other program aircraft are authorized to fuel at MUHC.